Prebuilt Feature Guide
Features can be called by specifying config dictionaries. Create one dictionary per feature and return them in a dictionary as market features or instrument features.
Feature config Dictionary has the following keys:
featureId: a string representing the type of feature you want to use
featureKey: {optional} a string representing the key you will use to access the value of this feature
If not present, will just use featureId
params: {optional} A dictionary with which contains other optional params if needed by the feature
Code Snippets for all the features are available below
Feature ID | Parameters | Description |
moving_average | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate rolling average of featureName over period |
moving_correlation | 'period', 'series1', 'series2' | calculate rolling correlation of series1 and series2 over period |
moving_max | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate rolling max of featureName over period |
moving_min | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate rolling min of featureName over period |
moving_sdev | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate moving standard deviation of featureName over period |
moving_sum | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate moving sum of featureName over period |
exponential_moving_average | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate exp. weighted moving average of featureName with period as half life |
argmax | 'featureName', 'period' | Returns the index where featureName is maximum over period |
argmin | 'featureName', 'period' | Returns the index where featureName is minimum over period |
delay | 'featureName', 'period' | Returns the value of featureName with a delay of period |
difference | 'featureName', 'period' | Returns the difference of featureName with it's value period before |
rank | 'featureName', 'period' | Ranks last period values of featureName on a scale of 0 to 1 |
scale | 'featureName', 'period', 'scale' | Resale last period values of featureName on a scale of 0 to scale |
ratio | 'featureName', 'instrumentId1', 'instrumentId2' | ratio of feature values of instrumentID1 / instrumentID2 |
momentum | 'featureName', 'period' | calculate momentum in featureName over period as featureValue(now) - featureValue(now - period) |
bollinger_bands | 'featureName', 'period' | upper and lower bollinger bands as average(period) - sdev(period), average(period) + sdev(period) |
bollinger_bands_lower | 'featureName', 'period' | lower bollinger bands as average(period) - sdev(period) |
bollinger_bands_upper | 'featureName', 'period' | upper bollinger bands as average(period) + sdev(period) |
cross_sectional_momentum | 'featureName', 'period', 'instrumentIds' | Returns Cross-Section Momentum of 'instrumentIds' in featureName over period |
macd | 'featureName', 'period1', 'period2' | moving average convergence divergence as average(period1) - average(period2) |
rsi | 'featureName', 'period' | Relative Strength Index - ratio of average profits / average losses over period |
vwap | - | calculated from book data as bid price x ask volume + ask price x bid volume / (ask volume + bid volume) |
fees | - | fees to trade, always calculated |
position | - | instrument position, always calculated |
pnl | - | Profit/Loss, always calculated |
capital | - | Spare capital not in use, always calculated |
portfolio_value | - | Total value of trading system, always calculated |
moving_avg = {'featureKey': 'ma_5',
'featureId': 'moving_average',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'stockTopAskPrice'}}
moving_max = {'featureKey': 'moving_max',
'featureId': 'moving_max',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'stockTopAskPrice'}}
moving_min = {'featureKey': 'moving_min',
'featureId': 'moving_min',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
moving_sdev = {'featureKey': 'moving_sdev',
'featureId': 'moving_sdev',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
moving_sum = {'featureKey': 'moving_sum',
'featureId': 'moving_sum',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
ema = {'featureKey': 'exponential_moving_average',
'featureId': 'exponential_moving_average',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
argmax = {'featureKey': 'argmax',
'featureId': 'argmax',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
argmin = {'featureKey': 'argmin',
'featureId': 'argmin',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
delay = {'featureKey': 'delay',
'featureId': 'delay',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
diff = {'featureKey': 'difference',
'featureId': 'difference',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
rank = {'featureKey': 'rank',
'featureId': 'rank',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
scale = {'featureKey': 'scale',
'featureId': 'scale',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis', 'scale': 3}}
mmt = {'featureKey': 'momentum',
'featureId': 'momentum',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
rankDict = {'featureKey': 'rank',
'featureId': 'rank',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'stockVWAP'}}
bbandlowerDict = {'featureKey': 'bollinger_bands_lower',
'featureId': 'bollinger_bands_lower',
'params': {'period': 30,
'featureName': 'stockVWAP'}}
bbandupperDict = {'featureKey': 'bollinger_bands_upper',
'featureId': 'bollinger_bands_upper',
'params': {'period': 30,
'featureName': 'stockVWAP'}}
rsi = {'featureKey': 'rsi',
'featureId': 'rsi',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
vwap = {'featureKey': 'vwap',
'featureId': 'vwap'}
fees = {'featureKey': 'fees',
'featureId': 'fees'}
position = {'featureKey': 'position',
'featureId': 'position'}
pnl = {'featureKey': 'pnl',
'featureId': 'pnl'}
capital = {'featureKey': 'capital',
'featureId': 'capital'}
portfolio_value = {'featureKey': 'portfolio_value',
'featureId': 'portfolio_value'}
macd = {'featureKey': 'macd',
'featureId': 'macd',
'params': {'period1': 5,
'period2': 10,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
csm = {'featureKey': 'cross_sectional_momentum',
'featureId': 'cross_sectional_momentum',
'params': {'period': 5,
'featureName': 'basis'}}
ratio = {'featureKey': 'ratio',
'featureId': 'ratio',
'params': {'instrumentId1': "IBM", 'instumentId2': "MSFT"
'featureName': 'basis'}}